Wise Words

"Wait on the Lord, be strong and of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart...wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:14


WWW As My World Turns

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blogger beta

For some reason people are having problems posting comments with the new Beta Blogger - I've gotten several emails today from blog friends who tried to post on Em's videos and couldn't. I think I found a short work around. Blogger Help said something about previewing your comment first and then being able to post said comment. Who knows if it works or not but I'm NOT happy with the new Beta Blogger. Posting the videos of Em's performances in the below post was nothing short of a Herculean task. If Beta Blogger is going to be this difficult i want the old Blogger back.

Check out the videos of my darling girl singing with the children's choir at the Christmas Cantata in the post below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nic - visiting via Captain Picard's blog. :D

Great to hear Beta comments are back up; I know someone who was having trouble posting comments on my blog.

Very interesting site here! As a Christian myself, and an avid current events/politics buff, I look forward to reading more.

- Carina