Wise Words

"Wait on the Lord, be strong and of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart...wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:14


WWW As My World Turns

Thursday, November 16, 2006

To lipstick or not to lipstick

So, it's been pretty miraculous - after being asked on Tuesday morning if I was available to go to the Governor's Gala (very formal affair with dinner and dancing) this Saturday to "represent" my company, I've found my dress, my shoes and my jewelry in a 24 hour time period. I have an idea of how I want to do my hair (as pictured) but I'm torn between dramatic eyes and bare lips and dramatic eyes and lipstick. Which do you think looks better?

I'm pretty excited about going to the Governor's Gala and want to look my best so I'm hoping you can help me out.

Oh, and this is the blog debut of my new hair color - I quite like it!

Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving feast at Em's school. She's going to wear her little headdress that I made her - please God let it still be in one piece. She and I worked on it over the weekend but it was difficult getting the feathers to stay up in the back. Em helped me put the larger beads on the band. I hope to have some pictures tomorrow of the headdress!

1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Bare lips is better, Nic; it looks more natural.

Hope I've helped you, and that you have a great time.