Wise Words

"Wait on the Lord, be strong and of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart...wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:14


WWW As My World Turns

Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins for April 9

And I hope to have the Friday Field Trip up later today.

1. In 1992, I was young (18), blissfully ignorant and having a blast in life...and I wouldn't go back even if I could. Blissfully ignorant isn't all it's cracked up to be.
2. My son and daughter give me a world full of laughter and smiles.
3. Do what you need to, with what you have, where you live, in order to make your world a better place for everyone.
4. Right now, in the Caribbean/Bahamas/Mexico/Islands with my husband is where I'd like to be.
5. The trees and flowers are telling me SPRING HAS SPRUNG! (Thankfully I don't have allergies from them!).
6. The never-ending love you carry for your family is something that just keeps going on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing my awesome friend Mari that I haven't seen in something like 3 years, tomorrow my plans include spending time with my son and husband, cleaning and getting things together to pack for moving and Sunday, I want to go to church and then watch Sherlock Holmes and relax on the couch!

If you want to participate in the Friday Fill-In, go visit the delightful Janet at Friday Fill-Ins. :-)


Bekah said...

I like your #3.
Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods too.
Enjoy your weekend.

achildoftheking said...

Nicole... that's a great list! You can find me here today.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

You're in a bright mood, Nic.