Wise Words

"Wait on the Lord, be strong and of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart...wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:14


WWW As My World Turns

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Where in the WORLD is Nic?

Thank all of you so kindly for your concerns, those of you who emailed me apart from the blog.

Really, things are good. Things are much better then good. They're GREAT! I have had a lot going on in my life right now. Work has kept me super busy the past two weeks. I've been talking with my guy in Iraq every night after Emily goes to sleep for at least a couple of hours each night. That's going BEAUTIFULLY!!! I've just been taking time for myself. Never fear I shall be back very, very soon. In fact I have a really good post for next week.

I will be blogging regularly again soon, but right now, as I've noticed with a lot of my blog friends (all mommies - the guys don't seem to be taking much time off), I am taking time for myself to spend more with Emily and cultivating this relationship with my soldier man. He's coming stateside in 11 days! I'll be seeing him when he comes in before he goes home to South Dakota and when he leaves back out. And, as I said in an earlier post, this is one I'm not talking about so much right now other than to say that he is one of a kind! The possibilities are limitless with him. :)

Thank you all again for the kind words and thoughtful concerns! I have such great blogfriends!!!

1 comment:

Uisce said...

I take time off too, and I think that's healthy. And I use bloglines to keep up with my favorites and I do kind of wish it would have a notice that says "1 day without update... 2 days without update..." otherwise I have no idea!